
Crazy Huge Rural Chinese Wedding Banquet – chinaSMACK - digg china

Pictures of a recent and huge wedding banquet from the Shunde district of Foshan city in the Guangdong province were posted all over the internet. Traditional rural wedding banquet celebrations in China often last three days and three nights. The host treats their invited guests to three meals each day and a total of nine meals.

How many tables do you need for a wedding banquet?

How to cook a lot of food for such a big wedding banquet

A lot of cold meat dishes for a wedding banquet

Imagine doing this nine times.

Some KDS Forum replies:

“Chinese rural folk are forever foolish downloading. A Lot of show up front, a lot of debt after downloading.”

“This wedding must be for the children of government official. Ordinary common people could not be so ostentatious.”

Chinese Lesson Time

老百姓 = lao3 bai3 xing4 = “old hundred surnames,” the common people

“How many restrooms are there? I bet after eating, there will be a long line for the restrooms. downloading

downloadingdownloadingdownloadingdownloadingdownloadingdownloadingdownloading I can’t afford to marry a rural villager wife.”

“I count 360 tables. downloading

“Imagine toasting until your hands cramp.”

“360*8=2880 people! Wow, that’s a regiment.”

“I confess I’m drooling already.”

“Each block has 16*16=256 tables, total of two blocks 256*2 total of 512 tables downloading.”

I count at least 750 tables.

Lots of steamers for cooking for a wedding banquet

Lots of meat and potato dishes for the wedding banquet

Chicken dishes for the wedding banquet

Lots of empty tables waiting for their wedding banquet guests

Lots of guests for outdoor wedding banquet

Huge wedding banquet in the rain

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