
What is Wrong with this Xinhua News Photo with President Hu? – chinaSMACK - digg china

In June, a lot of algae appeared in Qingdao, China where the 2008 Olympics will have the sailing events.  This official Xinhua News picture of China President Hu Jintao inspecting the Olympic preparations in Qingdao is too funny. Do you see what is wrong in this photo?

Xinhua News photo of China President Hu Jintao inspecting Qingdao Olympic sailing venue

On KDS Forum:

Everyone come find what’s wrong with this picture~~~
Xinhua News web address

Xinhua News photo of China President Hu Jintao shown to have been digitally altered or Photoshopped



Left and right are different pictures, combined to hide the non-harmonious things. However, it was combined very poorly. downloading

It was probably because the reporter did not have any good pictures and since he could not produce any good pictures, he made this to save his job. downloading

The bandits of the mountain are incredible. downloadingdownloading


When this is also Photoshopped, of course there will be fake South China tigers.

They learned this from CNN. downloading

Actually, his picture has another problem too. downloading

The white person on the very left side and the very right side is also the same person.

downloading The government’s credibility is a complete mess.

Sigh such a stupid mistake!!!!!! The government is ruined!

Boss Hu will be pissed when he sees this online!!!!!!!

downloading No “wu mao dang” in this topic?
None of KDS’s famous “wu mao dang” are present?

Very silly very naive?

There is no hope left for China…

I have never had any hope for China

Wait for the “wu mao dang” to come criticize you. downloading

Once everyone plays “what is wrong with this picture?”  does each person become so excited?! Was there anything actually wrong in the news? Is this so bad like CNN’s way of distorting the facts, to their degree? Everyone finish reading before saying something.

Harmonious China is so harmonious!! downloading

Our communist party is too funny! downloading

Wouldn’t it have been easier to just dye the green algae blue?

Why not just create a new event on the green algae—–grass-rowing.

Here is the original news article (in case the government changes it) and all the Photoshop mistakes:

Original Xinhua News website screenshot with Photoshopped image, in case Xinhua changes it...

Xinhua News photo of China President Hu Jintao with all Photoshop mistakes highlighted

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