
A car protest sign draws attention in Shengzheng

The Chinese writing on the car says: “My Father is the Minister of the Public Security Bureau; I dare stop at nothing, even murder and arson”
The sticker on a black car attracted a big crowd in a busy area of Shengzhen recently
Local police arrived after the news spread and managed to persuade the owner of the car to tear down the sign.
The car belongs to a business man who came from a small town in Henan province and has been doing business in Shengzheng for a few years. He told a journalist at the scene that an injustice happened in his village, and he felt very upset though the case is not directly connected to him personally, but he hoped that by doing this to call awareness to the case.
There is so much corruption in China, and communist cadres ignore calls for justice from victims.
He said that he bought the car just for this purpose. The journalist noticed that the plastic protection sheet on the driver’s seat was still intact.
A Chinese blogger from Shougou web said: this guy is a real hero, he revealed the truth!

Crowds around the car. (screenshot)


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