
The Chinese Communists are not simply atheists

Mao's temple in Beijing under police guards photo by Xiao Maoying
When we often say that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is an atheist organization, we may only be half right. Why do I say that?  It is because the ultimate goal of the Communist atheism is to eradicate theism.  This means that they wish to manage the people’s faith in God and ultimately extinguish it.  We can see that it is definitely not a simple "atheism."

In China, the Communist Party claims that it is managing five major religions.  However, the atheistic  Chinese Communists do not even  have the concept of God, how can it study God's religion, or manage it.

If an ordinary significant atheist chooses to live a peace-loving and simple life, this pure form of atheism, in fact, is understandable.

Yet it is not the case in China. Its aim of atheism is to manage other people's faith in God, and it insists on doing so. Well then, behind the insistence, there must be some kind of confrontation with the corresponding object, otherwise, the Chinese Communists do not have the guts.

Things in this world are corresponding. With the existence of God, there are demons; Buddhism exists and so do evil spirits; orthodox beliefs exist and so do cults. The Chinese Communists do not believe in God, do not worship Buddhism. Naturally there cannot be any factors of orthodox beliefs or orthodox churches.  In order to control the hearts of the believers in God, it forces people to follow and acknowledge the cult of the CCP rather than God.

What people have lost under the rule of the CCP 

After the CCP established its power, it started to persecute religions. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism were exterminated, orthodox believers were beheaded, the properties of the monasteries confiscated, monks and nuns were forced to return to secular life.  It then arranged its own spokesmen and created fake religions under the leadership of the party. Buddhist temples and churches were deserted. In their places were evil spirits attached to the communists.  The CCP became the leader of these religions. At this point, it pretended to allow people to worship. In fact, there is nothing to worship except the evil CCP.

At the same time, people have been brainwashed into its party culture. On the whole, after several generations under the rule of the CCP, the party has basically achieved the goal of eradication of pure religions. The mainland has become the largest population base of atheism.

The recovery of Chinese people’s original nature

Chinese people cannot follow the orthodox forms of religion under the evil rule of the CCP. They have also lost the ability to think independently. The only thing left is the trace of their Buddha-nature.

As people still have Buddha-nature, deities have mercy on them.   In these troubled times, the Great Buddha Law can save sentient beings.  It gives people an opportunity to escape from the clutches of the evil spirits.

In fact, it is difficult for a human body to fight off evil spirits.  When a person actually thinks of returning to his original nature, there will be a strong earth-shattering power. Without this power, he is doomed to be swallowed up by the evil spirits.  With the return to his original nature, he will have the assistance of the divine power and be able to get rid of the control of the evil.

Under the current situation, people can read the "Nine Commentaries", quit from the Communist Party and listen to the truth, etc. All these actions will help them to inspire their original nature and lead them to a better future. Do not take these things lightly.  They are very precious.

On the other hand, people who have been bewildered by superficial benefits and refused to quit the party will be the victims under the wicked rule of the CCP.  They will ultimately be deserted during the purification mechanism of the universe.  It is regrettable to see their miserable fates.

There is an old saying “evil can never compete against justice”.  There is no way out by following the wicked CCP.

Opinion articles represent the views of the author and not necessarily those of Secret China.

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