
Tibetans morns on anniversary Date

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan rebellion against the Communist takeover of Tibet. According to a secret file from 1960, the Chinese army killed 15000 Tibetans in 3 days in 1959. Additionally from March 1959 to October 1960, 87000 Tibetans were "eliminated".
Usually the Chinese Communist government uses the military to tighten control over Tibetan areas weeks before this sensitive time, but in this 50th anniversary the atmosphere is much worse. A large number of troops have been sent there much earlier, and foreign travelers have been restricted from visiting Tibet a month earlier than usual.
The media in China has been filled with Communist party propaganda, accusing the Dalai Lama of trying to separate the country. The state television network, China International Television Corporation, showed special movie clips telling the Chinese people the Communist version of the history of Tibet.

While the Chinese government controlled mass media criminalizes the Dalai Lama, the sound of support for Tibetan freedom can be heard in almost every democratic country. Candlelight vigils have been held around the world for the Tibetans killed by the Chinese army last year.
Recognizing the plight of the Tibetan people on the 50th anniversary of the uprising against Chinese oppression and the exile of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution calling for a "sustained multilateral effort to bring about a durable and peaceful solution to the Tibet issue".
A few hundred exiled Tibetans gathered in Belgium, the headquarters of the European Union, urging them to put pressure on the Chinese regime to release jailed Tibetans, and to allow the European Union to send an investigative team into Tibet to uncover the truth regarding the 628 political prisoners and 1200 missing Tibetans.
In Hong Kong students and human rights activists held a commemoration in front of China’s correspondence office in Hong Kong. The students presented a letter to the office, but the security officer refused to accept the letter. The students left the letter in front of the office door.
Tibetans in Taiwan also held a candlelight vigil. According to the Tibetan information center, there are about 200 thousand Tibetan exiles that live outside of China.

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