
Communists suspected of New York thuggery

On July 6, Tang Boqiao, the spokesman and vice-president of the Chinese Transitional Government, was assaulted at the Hollywood Karaoke Bar in Flushing, New York City.

Mr. Tang said he went there on a friend’s invitation. As soon as he arrived there, he was urged to leave immediately by a guest.There were two men with northern Chinese accents who began to push him as soon as he sat down. Tang decided to leave when he found that polite protests were ignored, however, he was punched in the face and the other man threw beer bottles at him as he tried to leave, fracturing Tang's hand.

As an ambulance took Tang to hospital, it was followed by a large white car, which disapperared when Tang reached hospital. Police are searching for this car.

Tang is convinced that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was behind the attack, and Mr. Wu Fang, President of the Chinese Transitional Government, fiercely condemned the CCP.

Tang said “I will not stop pursuing this matter”

Wu Fang stated: “This is the CCP`s doing. Recently Our Transitional Government has been active, expanding our organization, nominating several secretaries. By contrast, the CCP is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs. Meanwhile, we have spoken out Deng Yujiao, Shishou, and the protests in Urumuqi. We are a thorn in the CCP`S side.”

Wu Fang continued: “This is a replay of the Flushing incidents last year when CCP thugs attacked Falun Gong practitioners. The CCP tries to transform its internal contradictions to overseas countries. And it may be a sign that the CCP is beginning to disintegrate."

 Wu Fang said that a democracy such as the U.S. could not allow the CCP to export its repression.

CCP repression

Mr Tang, in an interview at his home where he was recovering from facial injuries and a fractured hand, put forward the reasons as to why the CCP would want to assault and try to intimidate him.
First is the Falun Gong and Quit Communist Party issue.
Virtually the entire world now knows, that Falun Gong is what the Chinese communists are  most afraid of, and Falun Gong is most severely persecuted by the CCP for 10 years now. The CCP is becoming more and more weak - many people are making public statements denouncing the CCP.

I and my colleagues in the Chinese Transitional Government support Falun Gong in their efforts on "put an end to persecution and disintegrate the CCP". The goal of the Chinese Transitional Government is to overthrow the Chinese Communist dictatorship; to establish a democratic society. Because only the overthrow of the Chinese Communist tyranny can solve all the problems in China.

Also, in recent days, the bloody massacre in Urumqi, Xinjiang by the CCP, with the communist media stirring up ethnic conflicts to divert attention from the CCP troubles throughout China.

I had publicly expressed that I am against the CCP persecuting Chinese Uyghurs and Chinese Han people; I call for Chinese people not to be fooled by the communists, I raised a valid point: "In today's Xinjiang, today's China, there is no difference between Uyghur and Han; only rulers and the ruled, the oppressor and the oppressed. All the killings and disasters in China have been created by the CCP.

We, the oppressed, shall stand together in order to prevent the atrocities committed by the CCP; in order to put an end to suffering and killings. This is where it hurts the Chinese communist party.

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