
Fake RMB currency base believed to be in Guangdong

According to Chinese media reports, the local public security departments have confiscated a total of 684 million RMB as at September 2009. It is 1.7 times higher compared with the whole year’s total amount for 2008.
The number of small value fake notes in proportion to total fake notes has increased 4 to 6 times compared with 2005. The fake currency has its roots in Guangdong.
A Beijing newspaper report said that the fake currency distribution appears to spread from the important eastern-middle areas along the main traffic lines to the whole country. Guangdong is the source of fake notes, using Anhui, Henan and Hunan areas as the processing and distribution places, and using state capital cities and economic centres which have a big population movement and a big cash usage, for circulation.
The criminals seem to have a tendency to professionalism, and are also more likely to have family or same hometown bonding, uniting a gang to commit crimes, it has become a “trade chain” where members are relatively stable and there is a division of task responsibility. Usually, the main offender of the family purchases a large quantity of fake notes, and distributes them inside the gang, and then they are sold outside or send different persons to use them in other areas of the country.

Fake notes smaller than 100 yuan are increasingly appearing. (screenshot)

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